Corning TKT-ANAEROBIC2 Anaerobic Connector Installation Tool Kit
The Corning TKT-ANAEROBIC2 Installation Kit for field-polish and anaerobic glass-insert connectors (GIC) is FC, LC, SC and ST compatible. With the anaerobic adhesive and quick-cure epoxy, it ensures minimum insertion loss (0.2 dB) and reliable optical performance. Inject the adhesive into the connector ferrule, dip the fiber into the primer and insert it into the connector. Curing takes only 1 minute.
The TKT-ANAEROBIC2 tool kit includes an anaerobic adhesive, adhesive activator, inspection microscope, microscope adapter in 1.25 mm, 2 universal polishing pucks, LC polishing puck, 3 polishing pads, polishing films, scribe, crimp tool, gauge card, fiber preparation and cleaning tools.